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Thursday, November 5, 2015

John 19:17-20 (NLT)...

FROM TODAY'S READING (11/6/2015)...

The Cross Was His Own 

They borrowed a bed to lay His head when Christ the Lord came down; They borrowed the colt in the mountain pass for Him to ride to town; But the crown that he wore And the cross that he bore were His own - The cross was His own.

He borrowed the bread when the crowd he fed on the grassy mountainside, He borrowed the dish of broken fish with which he satisfied. But the crown that he wore and the cross that he bore were His own - The cross was His own.

He borrowed the ship in which to sit to teach the multitude; He borrowed the nest in which to rest He had never a home so crude; 
But the crown that he wore and the cross that he bore were His own - The cross was His own.

He borrowed a room on the way to the tomb the Passover lamb to eat; They borrowed a cave for him a grave, they borrowed a winding sheet. But the crown that he wore and the cross that he bore were His own - The cross was His own. 

John 19:17-20 (NLT) Carrying the cross by himself, he went to the place called Place of the Skull (in Hebrew, Golgotha ). There they nailed him to the cross. Two others were crucified with him, one on either side, with Jesus between them. And Pilate posted a sign on the cross that read, “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.” The place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek, so that many people could read it.