FROM TODAY'S READING (10/16/2018)...
My wife has been walking approximately six miles per day with one of her friends. And, yes, that is twelve months of the year...that would be a Maine year. You can imagine my concern for her well-being.
"Be careful not to injure your muscles."
"You're going to get frost bite!"
"Watch out for coyotes and black bears...and rabid coons...or large gray squirrels!"
"Don't get hit by a school bus or dump truck."
"Don't get whacked by a drunk, druggy, texters,or person in my age bracket!"
"Man, it is really cold out there!"
"Man, it is really warm and muggy today!"
"Man, looks like it is going to rain."
"Shouldn't you take a break?"
"You really should let that blister heal up."
" finished another half-marathon."
I started walking three miles per day last week. This morning I asked her about the cold walking weather...34 degrees. She simply and lovingly replied, "Would you rather be cold, uncomfortable, and healthy walking outside or warm, comfortable, and unhealthy sitting in your easy-chair?"
I just returned from another three-mile walk. :-)
1 Timothy 4:8 (NLT) Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.