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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Luke 12:27-28 (NLT)


“It seems…that the flowers stand there and make us blush and become our teachers. Thank you, flowers, you who are to be devoured by the cows! God has exalted you very highly, that you become our masters and teachers.”

Martin Luther (1483-1546)

German theologian, professor, pastor, and church reformer

Luke‬ ‭12:27-28‬ ‭(NLT‬‬) Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?

Image: CC (pexels.com)