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Monday, October 31, 2022

Psalm 23:3-4 (NLT)


"Life scary? Jesus calms our fears."


Psalms‬ ‭23‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭(NLT‬‬) He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

John‬ ‭14‬:‭27‬ ‭(NLT‬‬) "I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”    Jesus

2 Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬ ‭(NLT‬‬) For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

Hebrews‬ ‭13‬:‭6‬ ‭(NLT‬‬) So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?”


Image: CC (Unsplash.com)