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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Genesis 6:9 (NLT)


"When applied to human beings...'righteous' and 'blameless' never imply being without sin. Instead they are used to portray persons who respond to God wholeheartedly and who honestly seek to please Him..."

Lawrence O. Richards (1931-2016)

The 365 Day Devotional Commentary 

Genesis‬ ‭6‬:‭9‬ ‭(NLT‬‬) This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God.

Hebrews‬ ‭11‬:‭7‬ ‭(NLT‬‬) It was by faith that Noah built a large boat to save his family from the flood. He obeyed God, who warned him about things that had never happened before. By his faith Noah condemned the rest of the world, and he received the righteousness that comes by faith.


Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭9‬-‭11‬ ‭(NLT‬‬) I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ—for this will bring much glory and praise to God.

Apostle Paul

Image: CC (Unsplash.com)