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Monday, July 17, 2023

Psalms 56:1-4 (NLT)


"Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage."

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

American essayist, lecturer, philosopher, abolitionist, and poet

Psalms‬ ‭56‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭(NLT‬‬) O God, have mercy on me, for people are hounding me. My foes attack me all day long. I am constantly hounded by those who slander me, and many are boldly attacking me. But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?

1 Corinthians‬ ‭16‬:‭13‬ ‭(NLT‬‬) Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.

Image: CC (unsplash.com)