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Monday, June 1, 2020

Luke 21:25-28 (NLT)

FROM TODAY’S READING (6/1/2020)...

“The outlook may be dark, but the uplook is always bright.”
Pastor/Author Mark Hitchcock 

Luke‬ ‭21:25-28‬ ‭(NLT‬‬) And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides. People will be terrified at what they see coming upon the earth, for the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then everyone will see the Son of Man coming on a cloud with power and great glory. So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near!

Image: Creative Commons (Unsplash.com)